The company

Antichi Mestieri is made up of expert craftsmen who welcome the ancient
craftsmanship as a real philosophy of life.
We work using centuries-old knowledge and perfected manual procedures
using the latest generation equipment and machinery.

The fruit of craftsmanship contemplates tradition and innovation:
each item is the result of careful processing steps, such as fire forging,
beating, turning, milling, manual tinning and polishing.

All Antichi Mestieri creations are born for a specific reason:
to be the result of ancient knowledge to be handed down over time.

We are eco-sustainable: our cooperative follows a philosophy aimed at caring for the environment. The installation of photovoltaic solar panels gives us the green energy necessary to give our products a truly eco-sustainable heart.

We work following four horizons: reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of materials.

Do not hesitate to contact us

Do you have any doubts, needs or special needs? Fill out the form and we will respond to your needs.

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